Friday, February 10, 2023



IR spectroscopy
 IR Spectroscopy

IR spectroscopy


William Weber Coblentz is widely regarded as the pioneer of infrared (IR) spectroscopy, having published the results of a large study of compounds in 1905. His work demonstrated that chemical functional groups had specific and characteristic IR absorptions, and he was able to accurately record the IR spectra of 135 compounds - a feat that still stands today, some 60 years later.

The method of IR spectroscopy gained traction during World War II, when a method for characterizing synthetic rubber formulations was needed for the war effort. This led to the development of the first commercial instruments from Beckman and Perkin Elmer, and in 1957, Perkin Elmer introduced the first low-cost IR spectrophotometer, the Model 137, priced at just $3800.

The Coblentz Society was formed shortly after to educate early practitioners in the art, and the method was used widely. However, it experienced a significant resurgence in the sciences with the advent of Fourier transform IR (FT-IR) instruments in the late 1960s and early 1970s. These instruments could collect spectra in a matter of seconds, and, by signal averaging, spectra of very high quality could be measured.

It is worth noting that the discovery of infrared radiation predates Coblentz's work by almost a century. In 1800, the German-born British-astronomer William Herschel conducted a simple experiment in which he dispersed sunlight through a prism and placed a thermometer at the location of each colour, thus discovering infrared radiation.


Infrared Spectroscopy is an analytical technique used to identify organic compounds by determining the intensity and wavelength of light absorbed. This versatile tool measures vibrations in molecules which help to distinguish different types of molecules based on their physical and chemical properties. From identifying or analyzing minor components in a mixture, confirming a compound's identity, and monitoring reactions, to studying the behavior of a sample under various conditions.

The infrared section of the electromagnetic spectrum, or light with a longer wavelength and a lower frequency than visible light, is the subject of IR spectroscopy, sometimes known as infrared spectroscopy. The study of a molecule's interaction with infrared light is known as infrared spectroscopy. Three methods can typically be used to investigate the idea of IR spectroscopy: reflection, emission, and absorption measurements. Finding the functional groups of molecules—relevant to both organic and inorganic chemistry—is the main use of infrared spectroscopy.

IR Spectroscopy identifies infrared light frequencies that are absorbed by molecules. Due to the fact that these particular light frequencies match the frequency of the bonds in molecules, molecules have a tendency to absorb them. Infrared radiation contains the energy needed to excite molecular bonds and cause them to vibrate more violently. However, only polar bonds will interact with electromagnetic infrared radiation. A molecule can be excited by the electromagnetic wave's electric field component because it has distinct regions of partial positive and negative charge.

The dipole moment of the particular molecule changes in parallel with the change in vibrational energy. The polarity of the bond affects how much energy is absorbed. Symmetrical non-polar bonds in N=N and O=O are unable to interact with an electric field; hence they cannot absorb IR radiation.



IR Region values

The region between 4000 cm-1 and 1600 cm-1 has bands that identify the functional group that is present. It is possible to recognize their bands and utilize them to ascertain the functional group of an unidentified molecule.

The region between 1600 cm-1 and 667 cm-1, known as the fingerprint region, has bands that are specific to each molecule and resemble a fingerprint. These bands are used to compare the spectra of different compounds.

IR Spectroscopy
IR Value 


The IR spectroscopy theory is based on the idea that molecules have a tendency to absorb particular light frequencies that are unique to the corresponding structure of the molecules. The energies depend on the atomic masses, the related vibronic coupling, and the geometry of the molecular surfaces.

For instance, the molecule may be able to absorb the energy present in the incident light, which will cause it to rotate more quickly or vibrate more loudly.

Sample preparation

Infrared spectroscopy can be used with samples that are solid, liquid, or gaseous.

Solid sample

By crushing the sample with an oily-textured mulling agent, solid samples can be created. This mull can now be spread thinly on a salt plate for measurement.

Liquid sample

Since salt plates are transparent to IR light, liquid samples are often held between two of them while being analyzed. Sodium chloride, calcium fluoride, or even potassium bromide can be used to make salt plates.

Gaseous sample

Gaseous samples can have concentrations measured in parts per million, the sample cell must have a comparatively long path length, meaning light must travel a relatively significant distance inside the sample cell.


A sample as little as 1 to 10 grams can now be identified using infrared spectroscopy. Infrared spectroscopy may be used to analyze almost all organic molecules as well as certain inorganic ones. It has numerous uses and can be utilized in both qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Why water is not used as a solvent in IR

Water cannot be used as a solvent for IR spectroscopy because it has two high infrared absorption peaks. Additionally, alkali halide discs, which are widely used in IR, can be dissolved in water because it is a polar solvent.

For a molecule or sample to exhibit an infrared spectrum, a change in the electric dipole moment of the functional group must occur during the vibration based on the selection rule for IR transitions.

IR light Source

An infrared spectroscopy thermal light source called a Globar is used. It is a silicon carbide rod that has been electronically heated to a temperature of 1,000 to 1,650°C and has a diameter of 5 to 10 mm and a length of 20 to 50 mm (1,830 to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit).




Solvents used in IR spectroscopy

The two most common solvents are carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and carbon disulfide (CD). Solvents for polar materials include chloroform, methylene chloride, acetonitrile, and acetone. Solids reduced to fine particles can be analyzed as a thin paste or mull.

 IR Spectra

An IR spectrum is a graph plotted with the infrared light transmitted on the Y-axis against frequency or wave number on the X-axis.

IR spectroscopy

 You may like difference between FTIR and IR 

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