Friday, March 10, 2023

From Light to Knowledge, Raman Spectroscopy in Action


From Light to Knowledge RAMAN Spectroscopy in Action

RAMAN Spectroscopy 


Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive spectroscopic analysis that offers comprehensive data on chemical structure, phase and polymorphic state, crystallinity, and molecular interactions. It is based on how light interacts with chemical bonding in a substance. The vibrational, rotational, and low-frequency modes of molecules are studied using this technique.

Raman scattering, also known as inelastic photon scattering, is the basis of Raman spectroscopy. Although X-rays can also be employed, monochromatic light is often produced by lasers in the visible, near infrared, or near ultraviolet spectrum. The energy of the laser photons is pushed up or down as a result of the laser light's interactions with phonons, molecular vibrations, or other excitations in the system. The energy shifts reveals details about the system's vibrational modes.

Although rotational and other low-frequency modes of systems may also be seen, Raman spectroscopy (/ˈrɑːmən/), which bears the name of the Indian Physicist C. V. Raman, is primarily used to discern the vibrational modes of molecules. Raman spectroscopy is frequently used in chemistry to give compounds a unique structural fingerprint.

The Raman effect depends upon the interaction of an electron cloud within a sample and of the external electric field of monochromatic light. Depending on the polarizability of the molecule, this interaction might cause a dipole moment within the molecule. There cannot actually be a change in energy level because the laser light does not stimulate (excite) the molecule to other levels. The emission that occur in fluorescence or phosphorescence of a molecule in an excited electronic state emitting a photon and returning to the ground electronic state, frequently to a vibrationally excited state on the ground electronic state potential energy surface, should not be confused with the Raman effect.


The Indian Scientist C. V. Raman, who discovered the Raman effect in 1928 along with K. S. Krishnan and separately by Grigory Landsberg and Leonid Mandelstam in inorganic crystals, was one of its discoverers. For this discovery, Raman received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930. Franco Rasetti made the initial detection of Raman spectra in gases in 1929.

Adolf Smekal predicted the inelastic scattering of light in 1923, but it wasn't until 1928 that it was actually observed. George Placzek, a Czechoslovak physicist, created a comprehensive, ground-breaking theory of the Raman phenomenon between 1930 and 1934. With photographic and then spectrophotometric detection, the mercury arc evolved into the main source of illumination.

From Light to Knowledge, RAMAN Spectroscopy in Action
RAMAN Instrument


Raman spectroscopy works on the basis of the idea that when monochromatic light passes through a sample, it may be reflected, absorbed, or scattered. The vibration and rotational properties of the scattered photons cause them to have a different frequency from the incident photon. The IR spectra are used to study the change in wavelength that arises from this.

  • The degree of freedom in Raman's scattering can be calculated using the 3N formula.
  • The different types of Raman's Spectroscopy include Non-linear Raman Spectroscopic, Resonance Raman Spectroscopy (RRS), Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy techniques.

Raman scattering

Scattering of photons by the excited molecules that are at higher energy levels is known as Raman Scattering.

Rayleigh scattering

Rayleigh scattering is the most prevalent transition because it involves no change in the molecule's vibrational state.

Stokes lines

As the frequency of scattered light is lower than the frequency of incident light, Stokes lines form in Raman spectra.

Anti-Stokes lines

The frequency of scattered light is greater than the frequency of incident light, Anti Stokes lines form in Raman spectra. The anti-Stokes transition is the least common because it involves the molecule to be vibrationally excited before the photon strikes it.

RAMAN Spectroscopy
Scattering Types


One or more single-colored light sources, lenses, and filters are used in a Raman spectrometer to focus the light and distinguish between dispersed and reflected light, respectively. To separate the light into its component parts and to detect weak light, a prism is utilised. To examine the data, the spectrum is afterwards acquired and displayed on the monitor. A mercury lamp and photographic plates were employed in the past to record spectra; today, lasers are used as excitation light sources. Raman and Krishnan utilised a mercury lamp and photographic plates to capture spectra because it took more than three decades for lasers to become widely accessible. Due to the weak light sources, low sensitivity of the detectors, and low Raman scattering cross-sections of the majority of materials, early spectra required hours or even days to capture. The photographic spectra were still dominated by a broad center line due to Rayleigh scattering of the excitation source, despite the employment of several coloured filters and chemical solutions to choose specific wavelength regions for excitation and detection. Particularly during the 1980s, technological advancements have greatly increased the sensitivity of Raman spectroscopy. Charge-coupled devices are now the most used kind of modern detectors (CCDs). Prior to the use of CCDs, photodiode arrays and photomultiplier tubes were widely used.

Types of Samples

Powders, Solids, liquids, slurries, gels, gases, Inorganic, biological materials, organic and Pure chemicals, mixtures and solutions, metallic oxides and corrosion. In common, RAMAN Spectrometer is not used for the analysis of metals & their alloys.


A laser or other light source is necessary for Raman spectroscopy. The bandwidth of the laser source employed determines the spectrum's resolution. Due to the increase in Raman scattering cross-sections, shorter wavelength lasers typically produce stronger Raman scattering, however problems with sample deterioration or fluorescence may occur.

Although pulsed lasers can also be utilised, continuous wave lasers are more frequently used for standard Raman spectroscopy. They are frequently more effective for various types of Raman spectroscopy, including transient, time-resolved, and resonance Raman, despite having broader bandwidths than their CW counterparts.


Typically, Raman scattered light is collected, either distributed by a spectrograph or utilised in conjunction with an interferometer for Fourier Transform (FT) methods of detection. Many times, FT-IR spectrometers that are now on the market can be converted into FT-Raman spectrometers.

  • Dispersive Raman Detectors

The majority of contemporary Raman spectrometers use array detectors like CCDs. Existing CCDs come in a variety of designs that are tailored to work with various wavelength ranges. For very weak signals and/or pulsed lasers, intensified CCDs can be employed. The CCD's size and the spectrograph's focal length have an impact on the spectral range. Monochromators connected to photomultiplier tubes were once widely used. To scan through a spectral range, the monochromator would need to be moved in this case.

  • FT–Raman Detectors

NIR lasers are nearly always utilized with FT-Raman, and depending on the exciting wavelength, the proper detectors must be used. Detectors made of germanium or indium gallium arsenide are frequently employed.


In order to get good quality Raman spectra, a laser rejection filter is typically required to separate the Raman scattered light from the Rayleigh signal and reflected laser signal. Usually, optical filters with notches or long passes are employed for this. Prior to the invention of holographic filters, it was typical to isolate the desired signal using a triple-grating monochromator in subtractive mode. While holographic filters often reflect some of the low frequency bands in addition to the unshifted laser light, this can still be utilised to record very minor Raman shifts. Nevertheless, volume hologram filters, which enable shifts as small as 5/cm, are becoming more widely used.

RAMAN Spectroscopy
Instrumentation of RAMAN spectroscopy


One form of vibrational spectroscopy that necessitates a solid knowledge of light's physical characteristics is Raman spectroscopy. Every time unidentified materials need to be identified, this method is widely utilized since it gives a chemical "fingerprint" of the substance being tested.

Raman spectroscopy examines a material's chemical composition and yields data on polymorphism, phase internal tension or stress, chemical identity and structure, Uncleanliness, and contamination. A Raman spectrum typically serves as a unique chemical fingerprint for a certain molecule or material and can be used to swiftly identify the substance in question or set it apart from similar substances. Raman spectroscopy has a spatial resolution of between 0.5 and 1 m, making it suitable for microscopic examination. With a Raman microscope, this kind of analysis is achievable.

Difference between RAMAN and IR Spectroscopy

The most common method for identifying unknown organic compounds is FT-IR. Although Raman spectroscopy also offers information on molecular bonding, it does so in the areas where IR is least helpful. The two methods work well together and enable the best identification of the unknown. The ability to distinguish between various crystal forms of a given substance is a special strength. We are able to obtain data from below the surface and determine depth profiles by fusing this spectrometer with a confocal microscope.

There are some major, fundamental differences between FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Whereas IR spectroscopy depends on a change in the dipole moment, Raman spectroscopy depends on a change in the polarizability of a molecule.

Raman spectroscopy, as opposed to IR spectroscopy, measures the relative frequencies at which a sample scatters light rather than the absolute frequencies at which a sample absorbs light. FTIR spectroscopy can detect polar bonds and hetero-nuclear functional group vibrations, particularly OH stretching in water. Raman, on the other hand, can detect homo-nuclear molecular bonds. It can distinguish between C-C & C=C bonds, as an example.

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a type of vibrational spectroscopy that is based on the absorbance, transmittance, or reflectance of infrared light. Light is absorbed in varying amounts in a sample at specific frequencies that match the vibrational frequencies of the sample's bonds using this technique.

Both of these methods work with microscopic techniques. Raman spectroscopy has the advantage of requiring little to no sample preparation, while the FTIR method has sample thickness, homogeneity, and dilution limitations to avoid saturation. The distinction between the two methods in dealing with interference is the main advantage of FTIR. Fluorescence may impair the ability to obtain Raman spectra, whereas FTIR does not.

IR Spectroscopy

RAMAN Spectroscopy

Molecules absorb IR radiations resulting in different types of transitions.

Molecules absorb any kind of light that results in the scattering of light.

Many molecules can absorb IR light.

Only one molecule shows scattering out of a million molecules.

Any type of sample can be used like solid, liquid, solutions, etc.

Gaseous samples give better results in the RAMAN spectrometer.

An increase or decrease in temperature changes the absorbance of IR light.

At any temperature, the stokes shift is more prominent but the anti-stokes shift is not prominent so, when the temperature increase anti-stokes shift becomes prominent.

IR active molecules are those that have dipole moments.  

RAMAN active molecules have dipole moments as well as polarizability power.

IR active molecules would also RAMAN active molecules.

RAMAN active molecules are not always IR active



Dipole moment zero

IR inactive



Dipole moment zero

RAMAN active, due to polarization.

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