Monday, March 13, 2023

Types of Electronic Transition in UV-Visible Spectroscopy

 Types of Electronic Transition in UV-Visible Spectroscopy

Types of Electronic Transition in UV-Visible Spectroscopy
Types of Electronic Transition in UV-Visible Spectroscopy

“UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy is the measurement of the attenuation or weakening of the strength of a light beam when it passes through the sample or after reflection from a sample surface.”

Types of Transitions in UV-Visible Spectroscopy

UV-light and visible light cause the same transitions in molecules so they are commonly combined and called as UV-Visible, when they interact with the matter then it becomes UV-Visible spectroscopy. This kind of spectroscopy is also called electronic spectroscopy because electronic transition occurs in molecules when they absorb UV-Visible light promotion of electrons from low to high energy level occurs, and only outermost shell electron transitions occurs in compounds.

By using UV-Visible spectroscopy or from the types of transitions we can determine the number of double bonds conjugated molecules, aromatic conjugated, simple conjugated, or non-conjugated molecules.

Regions in UV-Visible Spectra

UV-Visible absorption region ranges between 10 nm to 800 nm where 10 to 400 nm is Ultra Violet region and 400 to 800 nm is a visible region. The region between 200 to 800 nm is the most prevalent region for the electronic transition so this region is named as excitation region. The region below 200 nm is called as vacuum region. Because oxygen and nitrogen that are present in the atmosphere show absorption in spectra, so vacuum instruments are required for this region's studies. The region between 200 to 400 nm is known as the ordinary or quartz region.

Absorption laws

Beer’s Law

“This law states that when a beam of monochromatic light passes through a homogenous absorbing medium. The rate of decrease of intensity of radiation with a thickness of absorbing medium is proportional to the intensity of the incident light as well as concentration.”


-dI/ dx = K`IC

Lambert Law

“This law states that when a beam of monochromatic light passes through a homogenous absorbing medium. The rate of decrease of intensity of radiation with a thickness of absorbing medium is proportional to the intensity of the incident light.”


-dI/ dx = K`I

Beer`s Lambert law

“Beer-Lambert law states that the concentration of the sample and path length is directly proportional to the absorbance of the light.”

A = ε Lc


A = Amount of light absorbed for a particular wavelength by the sample

ε = Molar absorptivity coefficient

L = Distance covered by the light through the solution

c = Concentration of the absorbing species

Types of Electronic Transition in UV-Visible Spectroscopy
Beer`s Lambert law

Molar absorptivity

ε = A/ Lc

The sample's molar absorptivity, also called the extinction coefficient, is represented by the symbol. The ability of the sample to absorb light at a specific wavelength is related to a special physical constant of the sample's chemistry.

By dividing both the concentration and the length of the solution that the light travels through, molar absorptivity is found.

Following are cases where Beer's law is destroyed:

  • when many molecular kinds are in balance with one another.
  • Solute and solvent combine to generate an association complex.
  • when using fluorescent chemicals.

As the ratio of light entering a solution to light leaving it determines how much light travels through it, absorbance has no units. Absorbance is sometimes expressed in "absorbance units," which is abbreviated as AU and has no dimension.

It is necessary to use a diluted solution, avoid light beam scattering, and employ monochromatic electromagnetic radiation.

Beer-Lambert law at high concentrations

The Beer-Lambert law fails at larger concentrations because its linearity is restricted to chemical and instrumental parameters. The molecules' closeness gets so close as the solution's concentration rises that the absorptivity changes. Moreover, the refractive index varies when the concentration is high. when the excited state and the ground state have reached thermal equilibrium.

Types of Electronic Transition in UV-Visible Spectroscopy
Beer-Lambert law at high concentrations


Now we discuss different types of transitions that are as follows,

ϭ to ϭ⃰ transitions

These type of transitions occurs in saturated hydrocarbons that contain sigma bonds.

Absorption occurs near 150 nm that is of high energy for saturated hydrocarbons because the sigma bond is a strong bond and those organic compounds in which all the valence electrons are involved in the formation of a sigma bond do not show absorption in normal UV-Visible region that is in the range of 180-400nm. Electrons excite from one sigma orbital to another.

Types of Electronic Transition in UV-Visible Spectroscopy
ϭ to ϭ⃰ transitions

n to ϭ⃰ transitions

For these types of transitions, the wavelength range is between 150 to 250nm. These transitions occur when non-bonding electrons are promoted to anti-bonding sigma orbitals. Most commonly these transitions occur in saturated compounds that contain one heteroatom along with unshared pair of electrons. For example, ethers, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, etc. These transitions require less amount of energy as compared to the first one. Water and methyl chloride absorbs at 167nm and 169nm in the UV-Visible region respectively.

Types of Electronic Transition in UV-Visible Spectroscopy
n to ϭ⃰ transitions

ᴫ to ᴫ⃰ transitions

The wavelength range for these types of transition is between 170nm to 190/200 nm. These occur when electrons move from one pi bon to another pi bond. Compounds like alkenes, alkynes, carbonyl, cyanides, and azo show these types of transitions. Normally if we increase one alkyl group in olefins the wavelength increase by 3 to 5 nm. Carbonyl compounds show absorbance at 180nm.

Types of Electronic Transition in UV-Visible Spectroscopy
ᴫ to ᴫ⃰ transitions

n to ᴫ⃰ transitions

These electronic transitions occur when electrons of an unshared pair of heteroatom get promoted to anti-bonding orbitals. The wavelength range is high from all above and energy is lower (as we know energy and wavelength have an inverse relationship with each other) as compared to the above three. The Wavelength range is between 200 to 700 nm.


These are of total six types of electronic transitions, the transitions that are discussed above are allowed transitions and their energy order is as follows,

ϭ to ϭ⃰ transitions > n to ϭ⃰ transitions > ᴫ to ᴫ⃰ transitions > n to ᴫ⃰ transitions

The other two types of transition are forbidden transitions that are ϭ to ᴫ⃰ transitions and ᴫ to ϭ⃰ transitions.

Types of Electronic Transition in UV-Visible Spectroscopy
Electronic Transitions

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