Thursday, January 12, 2023

Electrochemical Cell and Its Types, Galvanic cell

 Electrochemical Cell and Its Types, Galvanic cell

Electrochemical Cell and Its Types, Galvanic cell
Electrochemical Cell and Its Types, Galvanic cell

Here you will learn about,


Electrochemical cell and its types

Galvanic cell

Gibbs Free Energy Calculation using EMF

Equilibrium Constant Calculation Using EMF

Nernst Equation

Finding Concentration cell potential using Nernst Equation

Definition of Electrochemistry

The field of study known as "Electrochemistry" combines the study of ionic solutions with that of solid-state electrons. Any material that will be used in electrochemistry requires essential measurements, depending on the uses, to confirm its susceptibility, conductance, responsiveness, interaction, consistency, and lifespan in a given medium.

The study of the correlation between electrical energy and chemical changes is the focus of the branch of chemistry known as electrochemistry. Electrochemical reactions are those in which electric currents are either generated or input. These responses can be roughly divided into two categories:

Electrical energy produces chemical change i.e., the electrolysis phenomenon

Chemical energy to electrical energy conversion. i.e., the production of electricity using redox reactions that occur spontaneously.

An oxidation or reduction reaction at a polarized electrode surface is the subject of electrochemistry, which studies the movement of electrons in such reactions. At a particular potential, each analyte is oxidized or reduced, and the current measured is proportional to concentration. This method is an effective approach to bioanalysis.

Galvanic cell

Galvanic, also known as Voltaic, and electrolytic cells are the two varieties of electrochemical cells. While electrolytic cells utilize non-spontaneous reactions and therefore need an external electron source, such as a DC battery or an AC power source, galvanic cells get their energy from spontaneous redox reactions. Anode and cathode, which can be formed of the same metal or two distinct metals, as well as an electrolyte, in which the two electrodes are submerged, make up both galvanic and electrolytic cells.

DC electrical power is usually generated by galvanic cells. A straightforward galvanic cell would just have one electrolyte separated from it by a semi-permeable membrane, or a more complicated one would have two distinct half-cells joined by a salt bridge. In order to balance the developing charges at the electrodes, the salt bridge contains an inert electrolyte like potassium sulphate, whose ions will diffuse into the half-cells.

Galvanic cell Diagram
Galvanic cell Diagram

The anode is where oxidation happens, and the cathode is where reduction happens. The anode is the negative terminal for the galvanic cell because the anode's reaction serves as the source of electrons for the current.

Voltage is an intense attribute, meaning it is independent of the system's size and material content. Since galvanic cells contain a positive EMF, we want to rearrange the equation so that it will result in a positive value when the other EMF is added.

 Example of Galvanic cell,

Galvanic cell
Galvanic cell Example

The two EMF readings for the zinc half-reaction are +0.382 V and +1.221 V. We simply sum them all together to obtain a rough estimate of 1.5 V, which represents the EMF of an alkaline AA battery.

Gibbs Free Energy Calculation using EMF

Let's say someone asks us to express the energy in additional thermodynamic terms. Let's apply the following equation, where n represents the number of electrons exchanged, E represents the EMF in its standard condition, and F represents the Faraday constant, which is 96,485 C/mol.


Instead of joules, Gibbs free energy is typically stated in kilojoules. We can determine from the sign which way the reaction must change to achieve equilibrium. Accordingly, a system operating under normal circumstances would have to move to the right, transforming some reactants into products before coming to equilibrium. The magnitude shows us how far away from equilibrium the standard state is.

Equilibrium Constant Calculation Using EMF

Assume that in order to determine how favorable this reaction is; it is necessary to determine the equilibrium constant K under standard conditions. The high K value suggests that the reaction will proceed fully to completion and is particularly beneficial to the products. For the batteries, the reaction will proceed until Go =0, or equilibrium, has been reached.

The value of ΔG equals zero when the reactants and products of the electrochemical cell are in equilibrium. The reaction quotient and the equilibrium constant (Kc) are the same at this point. Because Δ G = -nFE, the equilibrium cell potential is also 0.

The following equation is generated by substituting the values of Q and E into the Nernst equation.

0 = E0cell – (RT/nF) ln Kc

The equation is changed by converting the natural logarithm into base-10 logarithm and replacing T=298K (standard temperature). 

E0cell = (0.0592V/n) log Kc

The following equation created by rearranging this one.

log Kc = (nE0cell)/0.0592V

As a result, the equilibrium constant's link to the standard cell potential is found. The value of E0cell will be greater than 0 when Kc is greater than 1 (you know the value of Kc is directly related to  E0 because value of Kc present in log) , indicating that the equilibrium supports the forward reaction. Similarly, E0cell will have a negative value when Kc is less than 1, indicating that the opposite reaction will likely be preferred.

Nernst Equation

“Nernst equation is an equation relating the capacity of an atom/ion to take up one or more electrons (reduction potential) measured at any conditions to that measured at standard conditions (standard reduction potentials) of 298K and one molar or one atmospheric pressure.

Walther Hermann Nernst, a German chemist, developed the equation. The cell potential of an electrochemical cell at any given temperature, pressure, and reactant concentration is frequently determined using the Nernst equation.

The standard cell potential, temperature, reaction quotient, and the cell potential of an electrochemical cell are all related by the Nernst equation. The Nernst equation can be used to calculate the cell potentials of electrochemical cells even in unusual circumstances.

Nernst Equation
Nernst Equation

Ecell = Cell Potential Of The Cell

F = Faraday Constant

E0 = Cell Potential Under Standard Conditions

Product / Reactant =Q = Reaction Quotient

R = Universal Gas Constant

T = Temperature

N = Number Of Electrons Transferred In The Redox Reaction

Finding Concentration cell potential using Nernst Equation

Consider a concentration cell, a particular type of galvanic cell that consists of two identical half-cells of the same material that differ only in concentration. The sodium ion, potassium ion, or Calcium ion pumps in our cell membranes, the ATP synthase employed in energy production, and the concentration gradients in our nerve cells are all examples of concentration cells.

In addition to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, the thermodynamics equation, is where the Nernst equation originates. When a concentration cell tries to reach equilibrium, a little voltage is generated. The Nernst Equation can be used to determine the potential created by a concentration cell and is as follows:

Nernst equation for concentration cell
Concentration cells Nernst equation

The standard state EMF is 0 for any concentration cell because the two half-cells have identical half-reactions.

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