Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Zeolites, Catalysis, Colloids Properties

 Zeolites, Catalysis, Colloids Properties

Zeolites, Catalysis, Colloids properties

Here we will discuss about,



Homogenous catalysis

Heterogenous catalysis

Enzyme catalysis

Shape selective catalysis by zeolites

Properties of colloids


By definition, a zeolite is a "boiling stone." This is due to the fact that they are stones with very high heat retention rates. They are incredibly porous and have the capacity to hold water, thus when heated, a lot of steam is released from their surface.

Commercial manufacturing of zeolites with specific structural and chemical characteristics allows for the exploitation of zeolite qualities. Hydrocarbon separation, such as in “the refinement of petroleum, drying of gases and liquids, and the prevention of pollution through selective molecule adsorption are a few examples of commercial usage”.

Natural zeolites are found as cavity fills in mafic volcanic rocks, most likely as a result of liquid or vapour deposition. They develop a wide variety of crystalline formations with enormously regular open holes. There are roughly 40 naturally occurring zeolites, and many artificial or synthetic zeolites have also been created.

The ability of their structure to contain other molecules is by far its most intriguing characteristic. They feature structures resembling honeycombs, which makes them effective shape-selective catalysts.

Due to structural and chemical variations, reversible dehydration and cation exchange are made possible by the framework's ease of ion and water movement. The type of dehydration differs depending on how the structure's water is bound.


Shape Selective Catalysis (ZEOLITES)

In shape-selective catalysis, catalysis and the molecular sieve effect are combined. Here, the shape or size of the reactant or substrate causes the catalyst to display preference or selectivity towards it. The size or form of the substrates and products, as well as the catalyst's pore structure, all affect these catalytic reactions. Zeolites are a good illustration of this kind of catalyst.

By transition state selectivity or by excluding competing reactants depending on their molecular size, they function as shape-selective catalysts. Reactant shape selectivity occurs when some of the reactant molecules are too big to diffuse into the zeolite pores. On the other hand, product shape selectivity occurs when only items with the right dimensions may diffuse out of the zeolite pores.

Zeolites, which are crystalline aluminosilicates, are the most popular molecular sieves utilised for catalytic applications. The Bronsted acid (proton)-containing zeolite pore shown in Figure, it is the catalytically active site for acid-catalyzed processes such aromatics alkylation with olefins. It has 10 tetrahedral atoms arranged in a ring. The silicate structure gains one negative charge when one tetrahedral Si (+4 in its oxidation state) is swapped out for one a-l-, (+3 in its oxidation state), which must be counterbalanced by a positive charge, often an alkali metal cation like Na.

Proton form zeolite can be produced by the subsequent ion-exchange with NH 4 or protonic acid, followed by heat treatment, as shown in Figure. In molecular sieve structures, partial substitution of tetrahedral Al or Si molecules by other atoms (such as Fe, Ga, etc.) can result in the formation of metallosilicates, which have recently discovered some significant catalytic uses.

Shape Selective Catalysis (ZEOLITES)

Shape Selective Catalysis (ZEOLITES)


A "catalyst" is anything that helps to speed up a process; the word comes from the Greek letter v, which means "to annul," "to untie," or "to pick up."

"The prefix kata, which means "an intensifying prefix," Additionally λύω (lúō, "loosen")."

 Based on her innovative work in oxidation-reduction experiments, chemist Elizabeth Fulhame established the concept of catalysis and detailed it in a book in 1794. Gottlieb Kirchhoff, who discovered the acid-catalyzed conversion of starch to glucose, explored the first chemical process in organic chemistry to involve a catalyst in 1811. Later, in 1835, Jöns Jakob Berzelius coined the term "catalysis" to refer to processes that are sped up by components that do not change after the reaction. Prior to Berzelius, Fulhame conducted reduction experiments using water rather than metals.


Chemical reactions do not start because of a catalyst. The reaction does not use up a catalyst. As they react with reactants to produce intermediates, catalysts also help the final reaction product to be produced. A catalyst is capable of regeneration after the entire procedure.

Catalysts come in three different forms: solid, liquid, and gaseous. Metals or their oxides, such as halides and sulphides, are among the solid catalysts. As catalysts, semi-metallic substances including silicon, aluminium, and boron are also employed. The same is true for the employment of pure liquid and gaseous elements as catalysts. These substances are occasionally combined with the appropriate solvents or carriers.

A catalytic reaction is one in which their system contains a catalyst.

Types of Catalyst

Positive catalyst

Increase rate of reaction, for example, Iron oxide serves as a positive catalyst in Haber's process to create NH3, increasing the output of ammonia despite less nitrogen reacting with it.

Negative catalyst

Decrease the rate of reaction, for example, Acetanilide, which functions as a negative catalyst to slow down the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, retards the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.


Increase the catalytic activity of catalyst, for example, Molybdenum or a combination of potassium and aluminum oxides function as Promoters in Haber's process.


Decrease the catalytic activity of catalyst, for example, the catalyst palladium is poisoned with barium sulphate in quinolone solution to block the hydrogenation of alkyne to an alkene at the alkene level. The catalyst is also called the Lindler catalyst, used to prepare cis alkene from alkyne.

Homogenous catalysis

It is a type of catalysis in which physical state of reactant and catalyst are same.


NO, H2SO4,Mno2 these are used as catalyst.


Homogenous catalysis
Homogenous catalysis


Heterogeneous catalysis

Physical state of catalyst and reactant are different.



Ni / pt and Fe act as catalyst.


Heterogeneous catalysis
Heterogeneous catalysis


Enzyme catalysis

The speeding up of a process by a biological molecule known as a "enzyme" is known as enzyme catalysis. The majority of these processes, including most enzymes, involve chemical reactions. Catalysis often takes place at a specific location inside the enzyme, known as the active site.

Proteins, either one protein chain or multiple chains in a multi-subunit complex, make up the majority of enzymes.

Properties of colloids

In nature, colloids are comparatively stable. The dispersed phase's particles continue to move continuously and are suspended in the solution. Colloids are referred to as heterogeneous in nature since they are made up of two phases, the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium. Colloids provide the impression of being a homogeneous solution even though they are heterogeneous in nature and comprise suspended particles. This is the case because the suspended particles are so small that the human eye cannot see them.

Ultrafilters, a type of specialized filter, are needed for filtration of colloids. They effortlessly filter through common filter papers without leaving behind any waste.

Brownian Motion of Colloids

The Brownian movement is a crucial characteristic of the scattered particles found in a colloidal solution. An ultramicroscope image of a colloidal solution reveals the colloidal particles to be moving continually in a zigzag pattern.

The colloidal particles are continuously attacked from all sides by the moving molecules of the dispersion medium. The Brownian movement gives the sol stability. It works against colloidal particles' gravitational pull and prevents them from settling, keeping the sol stable.

Tyndall Effect

The Tyndall effect, which is shown by colloids, was first noticed by Tyndall in 1869. A bluish light illuminates the path of the beam when it passes through a colloidal solution that has been kept in darkness. The 'Tyndall effect and Tyndall cone' are terms used to describe the phenomena of light scattering by colloidal particles. Dispersed colloidal particles cause emissions that are analogous to ultraviolet and visible radiations when light strikes them. These reflected rays are lighted.

Tyndall Effect
Tyndall Effect

Colloidal solutions' electrical characteristics

The dispersion medium has an equal and opposite charge to that of the colloidal solution's particles, which all carry the same kind of charge. The solution as a whole is electrically neutral because the charge on the dispersion medium balances the charge on the dispersed particles.

A colloid's scattered particles oppose one another because they have identical electric charges, which keeps them from settling and preserves the sol's stability. The colloidal sols can be divided into positive and negative charged sols depending on the type of charge.

See More

Surface Chemistry

Colloidal chemistry, Colloids 

Emulsion, Adsorption and Adsorption Isotherm 

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