Saturday, January 7, 2023

Emulsion, Adsorption, Adsorption Isotherm


Emulsions, Adsorption, Adsorption Isotherm
Emulsion, Adsorption, Adsorption Isotherm 

Surface Chemistry

In general, the study of chemical interactions at interfaces is referred to as surface chemistry. It has a lot in common with surface engineering, which tries to alter the chemical composition of a surface by adding particular elements or functional groups that have specific intended effects or that enhance the qualities of the surface or interface. The disciplines of heterogeneous catalysis, electrochemistry, and geochemistry all benefit greatly from surface science.

You must have pondered how the particles in some types of liquids stay continuously sustained not settling down. What precisely takes place at the boundary between phases? Surface chemistry is the area of chemistry that studies the interactions between different phases, particularly those between liquid and gas. Surfaces actively participate in processes such as chromatography, electrode reactions, colloid creation, and catalysis.


Adsorption is the word used to describe the accumulation of species at higher concentrations on a substance's surface as a result of intermolecular force. For instance, activated charcoal may absorb gases like H2, O2, and N2.

Enthalpy of Adsorption is the quantity of heat energy released when one mole of gas is adsorbed on the surface area unit of an adsorbent.


Molecules attach on the surface of solid.


Molecules moves into the surface of solids.


Molecules moves out of the solid surface or removing molecules from adsorbent.


Substance that adsorbed on the solid surface is called Adsorbate, for example gas adsorb on solid surface.


It the surface where adsorption occur, for example solid surface where gas adsorb is called adsorbent.

Types of Adsorption

Adsorption in surface chemistry is divided into two categories based on the strength of the interaction between the adsorbent and the Adsorbate.

(A) Physical Adsorption

Physisorption, also known as physical adsorption. Between adsorbent and adsorbate, a weak van der Waals force is present.

It has following Characteristics:

1.      It has forces of Van der Waals that are weak.

2.    The procedure can be undone. It lacks specificity in nature.

3.    This procedure has several layers.

4.     Low enthalpy of adsorption (between 20 and 40 KJ/mole).

5.       Very little activation energy

6.       Desorption process simply occur.

7. Affecting variables include pressure, temperature, and the surface area of the adsorbent.

 (B) Adsorption or chemisorption of chemicals

It is caused by the potent chemical interactions of the adsorbent and adsorbate.


1.  Strong chemical forces are the nature of the forces, and nature is quite particular.

2.      It cannot be reversed

3. It is a single-layered technique with high adsorption enthalpies (between 40 and 400 KJ/mole).

4.      Extremely high activation energy

5.     Desorption is very challenging

6.   Factors influencing depend on Adsorbent surface area and adsorbate type Temperature.

Pressure's impact on a gas's adsorption on a solid

The ratio of gas adsorbed to the total gas is proportional to the gas pressure. Adsorption increases with pressure until a maximum is reached and then remains constant.

Temperature effects on gas adsorption on solids

Gases always adsorb onto solids in an exothermic manner. Physical adsorption adheres to the Lechatlier Principle, which states that as temperature rises, less gas is adsorbed. As temperature rises, chemisorption increases. It reaches its peak before declining. Adsorption isobars are obtained by graphing the proportion of gas adsorbed and temperature at constant pressure.

Adsorption Isotherms

Isotherm means constant temperature, so at constant temperature amount of gas adsorbed on adsorbent with pressure expressed by using curve this is called adsorption isotherm.

Isotherm of Freundlich Adsorption

The quantity of gas a unit mass of solid adsorbent can adsorb and pressure at a specific temperature can be empirically related, according to German scientist Freundlich, in 1909.

                                     x/m = k.P1/n (n > 1)

where, at pressure "P," "x" is the mass of the gas adsorbed on the mass "m" of the adsorbent. The constants "k" and "n" depend on the characteristics of the gas and the adsorbent at a specific temperature.

To illustrate the relationship, a graph representing the mass of the gas adsorbed per grams of the adsorbent is shown against pressure. Physical adsorption here reduces as temperature rises at a fixed pressure. When the pressure is high, the curves saturate. Taking the log of the above equation now,

                                  Log x/m = log k + 1/n log P.

We can plot log x/m on the y-axis and log P on the x-axis in order to examine the reliability of the Freundlich isotherm. The Freundlich isotherm is true if the plot displays a straight line; otherwise, it is false. The intercept on the y-axis provides the value of log k, whereas the slope of the straight line provides the value of 1/n.

Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm
Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm


Value of 1/n ranges between o and 1 only so,

When x/m is constant and 1/n = 0, the adsorption is free of pressure dependence. The amount of adsorption is directly proportional to pressure when 1/n = 1, x/m = k P, or x/m P.

Results from experiments back up both of the conditions mentioned. The experimental isotherms appear to always approach saturation at high pressure. Freundlich isotherm fails at high pressure because it cannot account for this observation.

The adsorption of gases on solids under higher pressure is not covered by it.

Isotherm of Langmuir Adsorption

At greater pressures, the Freundlich adsorption isotherm fails, indicating that his theory is not totally accurate. Langmuir presented a novel idea in 1916 that takes into account the influence of chemical (intermolecular) interactions. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm is the mathematical equation he developed for the adsorption phenomena based on the kinetic molecular theory of gases.


θ = bP / (1 + bP)


θ is of the surface covered by species that have been absorbed

The adsorption coefficient is b.

P is the pressure being used.


The Langmuir adsorption isotherm requires the following presumptions in order to function:

1.      The solid surface must be uniform.

2.      It ought to contain a set quantity of adsorbent surface.

3.      Only one molecule can adsorb at each location (mono-layered adsorption).

4.      A monomolecular layer is where molecules can only adsorb.

5.      In the vapour phase, the adsorbed gas acts perfectly.

6.      The molecules that are adsorbed do not interact.

7.      At their dynamic equilibrium, the rates of adsorption and desorption become equal.


Emulsions are liquid-based colloidal solutions that contain both the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium.

Paints, colours, milk, and vanishing cream, for instance. Surface chemistry divides emulsions into two categories based on the dispersion medium:

Water and Oil Emulsions

This involves dispersing oil or fat droplets in water. Consider milk.

Oil Emulsions with Water

The water droplets in this are mixed with the oil. For instance, vanishing cream.

Emulsions are prone to instability; hence emulsifiers are typically added to improve stability. Example: Casein is a natural emulsion found in milk.

Emulsion applications

They are utilised in syrups, Paints, Toothpaste, Fat Digestion, Colorants and dyes

See more

Colloidal chemistry, Colloids 

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